Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is this funny or not?I say yes!?


Is this funny or not?I say yes!?globe theater

I downloaded that thing couple of months ago. Even after being warned, it had me jumping too. If someone put it on her computer it would've been a good joke. Hopefully she wasn't on the phone with a client or had to change her undergarments. Just glad it wasn't me.

Is this funny or not?I say yes!?oper opera theaterNo it wasn't...only for a cruel idiot like your self.... Report It

No it wasn't...only for a cruel idiot like your self.... Report It

No, I just can't find it funny. If she really was doing that during work, then she deserved it, but it just wasn't funny. It was borderline cruel, really.
hello! just dropping by giving you a link to a new direct downloads website

How to ask for her to say yes?? (Mothers)?

Well saturday comming there is a big party like 15 minutes from my house and i would like to know what could i tell my mom for her to let me go?? It's not like i was going to come home by myself all my friends down the street are going .

How to ask for her to say yes?? (Mothers)?state theatre

just tell her the truth there's really no point in lying to her unless theres something happening at that party that you know is wrong and if thats the case then dont get yourself involved in that

How to ask for her to say yes?? (Mothers)?theater opera theater

Be honest with her is there adult supervision that would help you immensely and do you guys have a relationship based on trust that would help to
you dont get her to say yes by the way you ask but by the way you act.
you know your mother and what tricks but maybe you should tell her the truth its better that she discovering it
Tell her the truth! Is there adult supervision????
There is nothing you can tell her other than the truth. If you lie just to be able to go she WILL find out eventually then you won't be able to go anywhere because she won't be able to trust you. Tell her the truth, if she says no, leave it at that. Do NOT whine.
umm tell her that ur going to a party and that ull be back later.

Does PERFECT geometry occur in nature if yes where? I say no?

This is a very interesting question really. I am assuming you mean an ideal shape such as a circle or something. I think a good case that the path of a photon traveling far from any large objects is a perfectly straight line. Another example might be the crystal lattice of a crystalline substance. There are certainly parts of the crystal that will be flawless and will have in essence a perfect geometry. A largish planet that happens to have escaped it's solar system that is floating through space all by itself, if it is not spinning, will have a virtually perfectly spherical shape. Surely the Universe is large enough that there is at least one such example.

However if you think about this carefully you might conclude that all shapes in nature are essentially perfect in that they are perfect responses to the forces acting on the them.

Does PERFECT geometry occur in nature if yes where? I say no?paramount theater

Christ who was perfect came to earth and took on imperfection so that in time if we choose salvation we can become perfect like him.. Mentally he was perfect. In no way was he corruped by evil.

Does PERFECT geometry occur in nature if yes where? I say no?theatre opera theater

bubbles maybe?
Black holes or neutron stars are _perfect_ spheres. The event horizon of black holes are absolutely perfects spheres. But that should be the only examples.
a snowflake?
In your imagination, on paper, on the computer.

However, no perfect representation of the numbers can be made.
Check out the "Fibonacci sequence" - it shows up all over in nature. It is the sequence of numbers that results from adding one number to the one before it in the sequence:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 . . .

Links below list where it shows up in nature - all over the place!



Leaves, etc...
yes in crystals
A rainbow is an arc of a perfect circle. If you are in an airplane and you see one on the clouds, it will be a perfect circle.
Take a look at microscopic photos of ice crystals...they are perfect geometry
In some natural crystals perfect geometry occurs, to some experimental error.
Perfect geometry cannot occur in nature because all things are made of atoms - atoms have a finite size, and anything made out of pieces of finite size can only approximate a true geometrical shape. Thus, while you might be able to have some natural object that approximates, say, a circle to 1 part in 10 billion, you could not have a natural (or artifical) object that really is a mathematically perfect circle.
Best guess- Beehive honeycombs.
Yes because like our houses It is perfect made when we apply angles on each side
Well, general relativity tells us that whenever some mass is present the geometry of space (and spacetime) becomes curved. So, since there's lots of mass in the universe and its moving around all crazy-like, the geometry of the universe is rather complicated.

Here's a technical way to say this: There is very likely no region in the universe isometric to a region in one of the standard Euclidean, Hyperbolic, or Spherical model geometries.

I'd say that if perfect geometry exists it would have to be present in the (yet to be discovered) theory of quantum gravity. That is, it would only exist on *very* small length scales (Plank's length) where nobody really knows the laws of physics yet.
yeah my sis has a pearl necklace thats a real pearl that hasnt been treated and its like perfect

How to get my husband to say YES to another baby.?

We've been married 5yrs. we have one son together. I'm ready for another baby and he isn't. how can I change his mind?

How to get my husband to say YES to another baby.?opera ticket

You need to ask him why he doesn't want another child and talk about his reasons and concerns. Work these out and see what happens.

How to get my husband to say YES to another baby.?pacific theater opera theater

Does he tell you why he doesn't want another baby? Maybe he has some fears that you could address and help him with. Like maybe its a financial thing, or he's afraid you will be spread to thin and not have enough time for him. Or maybe his reason is something you haven't thought of, and you might change your mind.

He might not be willing to admit at first why, men are like that. But be persistant, you have a right to know, and having a baby is a lifetime commitment that you need to go into totally aware.
wow you mean its up to him that is neat. i have never heard of marriage tlike that. soemtimes its both people to be involved and i suggest you talk to him now and communicate. i mean its not just him any more you have voice to
Maybe he's not saying NO. Maybe he's saying NOT NOW.

Women love babies. Men don't like the dirty diapers, the 2 a.m. feedings, and all that goes along with it. So all that stuff with your first child is still fresh in his mind.

Make sure your first is potty trained and give another year. Then approach him with it.
You can't, and please don't try to or trick him. That would be stupid. You of course can talk to him, but don't nag.
Simple -

Ask him what is objections are and address them one by one. If you can both come to a mutual understanding and agree 100% to having a second kid then go for it.

If he does not agree 100% then don't be a fool. Give it up.
You can't. This is a decision you make together; why does it have to be when you're ready?? Don't be so controlling.
Show him how prepared you are ... give him some pros and cons ... work out finances ... daycare ... whatever it's going to take for you to have another child and sit down with him and really talk about it ... ask him why he's not ready get some feed back and work on the things he tells you ... good luck ... !
Don't listen to Jimmy. Do not trick your partner into pregnancy. If he is not ready then you are just going to have to accept that. By bringing an unwanted (on his part) child into your marriage it will only cause problems. Wait until he is ready and then you can both enjoy the pregnancy and birth.

To help speed the process along just point out all of the great things about parenting. Tell him how wonderful it would be to have another child just as special as your son. If he has any fears or concerns you need to talk with him about it. If he is worried about the financial strain, cut back on some "extras". If he is worried about the sleepless nights, remind him that it is short lived and you can share the responsibility. Anyway, you get the picture. Discuss the reasons behind his hesitation and resolve them together.
honestly I dont think that you can change his mind, thank the Lord for the little blessing you have and You never know he might change his mind on his own. Good luck
you can't -so do try
Bring the issue up and talk to him rationally and calmly about it.

Ask him why he won't have another baby ?

What is so bad about having another baby ?

Bring up :

- the fact that there's twice as much love from you two to give both children

- the fact maybe that you'd love for your current child to grow up with a sibling, instead of being an only child

- sibling rivalry is always tough but sibling love is wonderful

- ask him what would it take for him to be ready for another baby ? Its not like he's having to lie there and push and ask for an epidural ?

Tell him too that children are wonderful gifts of love to each other but that you'd like another child because you believe your family would be complete if there's maybe one of each ? or if there's 4 people in the house, not 3. :)

Good luck :)
you can't, just make a hole in the condom, or stop taking the BC. That is the only way you can get preg again.
You can't, you can only respect his opinion at this time and don't be one of those stupid ladies that gets preggers on purpose!!!
Make him a romantic dinner and put on some lingerie. Tell him you are ready for love.
You can't change his mind, only he can. Don't force the issue.
do you really want to have a baby with someone you have to CONVINCE? i mean really. when the kid gets here and asks how be came about your response will be, "well daddy didn't want you but after a year of nagging and then finally secretly going off my pills, i had you. sure daddy drinks now because you're around but mommy wants you and that's what matters most."

if you do something underhanded to get pregant or you pressure him into giving in, your kids will be the ones to suffer. he'll be distant and the kids will pick up on the fact that they aren't "wanted".
Show him the positive pregnancy test
It depends what his reasons are. If it's money, write out a budget and show where the extra money will come from.

Maybe he thinks he a bad father. Praise him for what he does well with your son.

Deciding to have a child is a hard decision. Talk to him about his reason for wanting to wait. Maybe he just need to get stuff his chest.

If he REALLY doesn't want anymore kids that will cause a problem. Tell him why you WANT more kids and give examples of how your lives changed with the first one.

Good Luck. It took my husband and I almost 2 years to finally decide to have another kid. My daughter is 4 and I'm 5 months pregnant.

Take care.
You can't change another person's mind. End of story. I think if more people would accept this, the world would be a better, more stable place.

Being married or in a serious relationship requires compromise, a willingness to listen and consider each other's feelings and points of view, and a shift from "me" to "we". It doesn't mean one person has to concede to the other's wishes - especially not on something as important as deciding whether to bring another life into the world.

Your husband is not a sperm donor. You two need to have an open, honest, caring discussion about this to figure out what step to take next (if any).
exchange a threesome
having a baby is something you both need to want. if he does not want a baby, do not force him, it will make him unhappy
Are you ready to take care another baby? Bravo! good for you. Besure you can provide them good until finish college.Baby are cute.
Well there is obviously a reason why he does not want another baby.

How old is your son?

You need to consider your husbands feelings, not just your own.

Getting pregnant on purpose will just cause him to resent you and the baby and in turn make everyone including the unborn baby unhappy. often do (did) you say yes to being asked out?

like what percentage???? often do (did) you say yes to being asked out?home theater system

i'd say 50% depending on how old the guy is, how he looks and personality, etc. often do (did) you say yes to being asked out?the grand theater opera theater

every time i wanted to
We arnt asked out all the time u know! U asked that question as if all girls are asked out daily!

It doesnt matter what the percentage is, a girl will say yes if they like u, nothing to do with percentages!
There really is no percentage to put on something like this because it can change daily, weekly etc. There are days that no one asks then there are days when its quite often. Depending on what kind of guys are doing the asking is the result you'll get. i say never say yes if you know that it is a total NO

How to get my mom to say yes to a cell phone?

I am 14 years old and I want a cell phone for christmas. My mom said no because she believes I am too young for one and not mature enough for one. I want to prove to her that she's wrong because when It comes to expensive stuff such as my ipod and my watch, I take really good care of them. any way I can make her see I'm ready for a Cell Phone?

How to get my mom to say yes to a cell phone?violin

talk to her and find out what the real reason is that she will not allow this and try to work with her to get it.

How to get my mom to say yes to a cell phone?chinese theater opera theater

tell her to get u a pay as u go phone.... that way u can earn money and save it to add time to it
Most kids your age want a cell phone as a sense of maturity, so to get one you have to show her that you are mature and responsible. A little butt kissing might help too!
You have to keep in mind the dangers associated with cell phones. They may seem harmless, but the amont of things you can access on a cell phone is unbelievable. My younger as like yourself wanted a phone so at 14 my mum got her one after a long battle of protests and arguments about cell phones. You accessed some horible things on her phone and met up with a guy five times older tahn her, he said he was only 20 but remember you cant see who is on the over end of the phone. If you do get one remember to act responsibly, I have had a phone since I was 14 but I only use it for the right reasons like txting my school friends. Keep this in mind. Your mum is only trying to protect you.
if u want it just beacuse u can prove that ur responsible...than don't get one because cell phones are even more valuable than Ipods.

if ur in high school or going to high school in sometime in the fall...than tell her that ur going to high school and need to get used to a cell phone.
As a single parent the best selling point for me was the safety of my child. Babysitters and strangers on the street can pose threats. My youngest child (7) has a cell phone. It is thru Boost mobile but provides her with excellent service and she can call me anytime. It only cost $50.00 a month and has unlimited calling and texting. I live in a small town and work close to home but still I worry about my child. She need not ask to use a sitters phone to call me if she is in a jam.. she has her own phone. I also insist she carry her phone while walking to school. Predators live in my area!
You should point out to her that's its a good way for her to keep track of you. That if you have a cell phone, then she will be able to reach you whenever she wants to. Parents love that.

What do critics say about the poem Yes, I'm a Bad American by George Carlin?

Well, I have not seen any critics reviews, but I wanna thank you for posing the question, It made me look up the poem and boy, oh boy...George Carlin can sure get that "Amen!" from me!

How to convince your mom to say yes to a pet ferret?

i really want a pet ferret i offered to buy all the things for it and keep it in my room but my mom will not give me the ok to do so.I can deal with the smell and the hours i have to spend with it but she refuses to let me have one.Any ideas?

How to convince your mom to say yes to a pet ferret?musicals

Tough situation but you could try showing her the benefits of having a ferret.

How to convince your mom to say yes to a pet ferret?opera songs opera theater

Not really. I always tell kids that when you live with your parents that's just how it goes. When you are old enough to move out and sustain yourself then think about a ferret. At least by then you will be able to really afford it by then.

How is it so hard to say yes or no to a past friend who wants to be lovers?

I know I love this girl. After researching it seems its only my love for her that makes her love me. If I know she dont love me naturally, should I wait for her any longer? Its been a year now. Im losing faith. Why dont she just end it? Its so hard to wait

How is it so hard to say yes or no to a past friend who wants to be lovers?performing arts show

She may be guilty, which does mean she cares. Guilt though is not a good way to build a relationship. I think you really need to have a serious conversation, as much as I hate advising that. I know how superficial it sounds but hear me out.

If you two have been in this relationship for this long she may be scared of hurting you. She may not know how to cut you off either, because she might be comfortable with you. Sometimes you have to understand it is easier to stick to what you know.

You really too need to ask yourself if you're willing to wait if she just simply is not ready yet. Do you have that little faith? Is it time to end it? You may have to be the one to conclude the relationship if you find from her that things aren鈥檛 going to change.

You shouldn鈥檛 have to be waiting for her, and right now it may seem unfair. It seems from my objective standpoint that you need to discuss with her. If things won鈥檛 progress maybe it is time to let go. This could on the other hand be a breakdown of communication and she may just be apprehensive or just unsure.

It鈥檚 a tough call, and I鈥檇 love to be able to help you some more, but I have little to work with. Communication is best in a situation like this though, and really there is nothing more you can do.

Ladies how do we know you mean yes when you say no??


Ladies how do we know you mean yes when you say no??ballet theater

When we say yes instead of no.

Ladies how do we know you mean yes when you say no??chicago theater opera theater

well your screen name hints that you wouldn't need to ask this kind of question so you figure it out.
Because a real woman is not gonna tell you no when she means yes and visa versa. If someone is giving you mixed signals tell em to grow up and come back to see ya when they can be real and not play head games. NO MEANS NO!!!!
Grow up
When it's during sex we mean....................................... NO NO Don't stop!

no is isnt a maybe or a yes at anytime
Play it by ear.
Yes is Yes, and No is No isn't it? I'm a girl and that's what it is 4 me!
For most women, no means NO. It's a guy's narrow-mindedness that causes them to think that she really means yes when she says no. You need to have perspective.
Only a dumb, chauvanistic prick would ask a question like that. No mean no, hotpants, and the sooner you learn the meaning of that word, the less of a burr-headed jerk you'll be.
you don't. whenever we say no take it as a no, for your own sake.
when they say no, they mean no. when they say yes, they mean no.

when they say BAAAAAHHH! they mean no..... (or was that sheep?)
Sorry... No lady I know has ever said "no" when she meant yes. It's safer to go by the rule that "no means no".

There is one exception, I suppose... If you and your current partner are into S%26amp;M, you could establish a "safety" word which means no. That way, no could actually mean yes, and you wouldn't have to worry about accidentally raping her.

My safety word is "antidisestablishmentarianism". It's kind of long and a little awkward, but at least there's no mistaking it, right?

Good luck and be safe!
if we say no its no...anyone that says any different is wrong!
Formulate your question with your hands.
read her body language. there are many ways of communicating without using words.
When..we say it smiling and flirting with our eyes ;)
you don,t you have to read between the lines and then you,ll know the answer
if you know me well enough you will know
u generally wont,thats why they r ladies and we r men
we don't

Speaking of McCan’t; Could you say “yes” to waterboarding?

..just askiin'...

Speaking of McCan’t; Could you say “yes” to waterboarding?concert tickets

Personally, I oppose waterboarding. The terrorist is allowed to live.

Speaking of McCan’t; Could you say “yes” to waterboarding?theater seating opera theater

as someone who is in the military currently, yes, the enemy will do far worse to me if given the chance
He doesnt support it because of his emotional connection to torture from when he was tortured but I do support using waterboarding. It stopped a 9/11 like plane crash into a skyscraper in LA when it was used on Khalid Sheik Muhammod the mastermind of 9/11.

It has saved thosands of lives

How Do You Make A girl Say yes by Asking her out on a Date?

a gun to her head or knife at her throat would probably do the trick

How Do You Make A girl Say yes by Asking her out on a Date?performing art center

make love 2 her

How Do You Make A girl Say yes by Asking her out on a Date?theatre tickets opera theater

You never make her do anything, it's called a (Choice)

Just ask her out. That simple.

a jet with colored gas in the sky.

a choir group to ask her

then get on a knee.
u cant make her is she likes u she likes u!!!!!!!!!!! god!!!!!!!!!
Make her??? Are you a caveman?
you cant MAKE anyone do anything
get to know her u care then ask her out!!
Beleive me, you can't make a girl do anything. We already rule the world, you just haven't noticed.

If you would like a girl to say yes, just tell her how you feel how you will never leave, how you will always be faithful, blah, blah, blah. See if it works good luck!
Force her

and yes pixie I am a caveman, big bad wolf has the right idea too
Ask her what she's doing for the weekend And if she would like to go out with you .... simple

You know the other answer
your question is way to general to get the response you need. if you have a situation you can email me and i will give you some sound advice. but some general rules are:

1 dont be a wuss, no woman likes a wuss. they say they want a sensitive man and they do just not a wuss.

2 try being cocky funny, cocky FUNNY not a prick. women are attracted to confidence its part of the not being a wuss thing.

3 be different, the hotter she is the more attention she is used to. if she is really hot make contact but dont ogle her and start complimenting her all the time. she needs it to survive but if shes hot, she gets that from every guy she sees. be different.

good luck
Well, you can't MAKE a girl say yes, but as long as you are sweet and polite when you ask her, you don't have too much to worry about. Also, make it when you are alone with her, not in front of people, and ask her to go somewhere fun first, not someplace stressful. Ask her to a cranival or a dance or something. And, for goodness sakes, if she gives you her number, CALL HER! You will not look cool if you wait a couple days. Just be nice and compliment her.
Honestly, Dont do what everyone else does, be a little creative not to creative. Dont be a jerk or an ***. She see the difference in fact try to be yourself she'll see the difference.

Do you think Singapore gals will say yes to one night stand?

Sure, starting at $300 a half hour.

Do you think Singapore gals will say yes to one night stand?oper

some will some def will not, sporeans are not loose ok

Do you think Singapore gals will say yes to one night stand?hollywood theater opera theater

Depends.... do Singapore gals like dorky virgins that ask dopey Q's?
Are u a singaporen don ask such a stupid qus ,there one night stand every where in the world not only singapore, singapore gals is not so cheap!
If you have to go to a certain race to get a one night stand maybe you should reconsider the value of a one night stand.
send me a list of them if u have such list, i will try that...
Well not all of them
Do you think girls are cheap. You must be a perv.
Not Really .

But I guess its going to be a low count.
Thats horrible!!!!!! Dont do that to anyone!!!!!!!!

Will mourinho say NO to england and YES to barca......??

Will mourinho say NO to england and YES to barca......??theater

barcelona play boring football,then bring on mourinho.

and tribelfootball? man they talk the most rubbish in the world,i thought u would get a decent website fasial.

Will mourinho say NO to england and YES to barca......??london theatre opera theaterwhat i ment was if mourinho took over barca,they would play boring. Report It

Mourinho wants to coach Portugal rather than England and the FA woulod have a difficult time pursuing him.
'Tis possible, but I hope not. I think England need him more than Barca do.
dont believe stuff from that site. its all voodoo.
I reckon that he will go to england and when the Portugal job is up for grabs he will resign and join them.
No. He'll (hopefully) sign for the England job
I don't think so.

TRIBAL FOOTBALL?That site is shite.

Time to name names Sean Hannity neocon YES or NO what say you?

How many times is he going to have Rudy Guliani on his show geema neeze Im so sick of Rudy Rudy Rudy all the time

Time to name names Sean Hannity neocon YES or NO what say you?theatre

Hannity is a prime example of a neocon,,,not that I am against them. I am just as much for or against them as I am for libs. The radical left and right disgust me because they don't want to see the middle which at times is the right way to go. Hannity rants on and on about things that he feels are needed to knock libs. His partner, Colms, on the hand always takes the other side even when there isn't an other side. Some of his stands are absurd and his comments even more stupid.

Time to name names Sean Hannity neocon YES or NO what say you?opera music opera theater

Hannity is a neo-clown.

That's a better description of his job on the TV.
No, and that term is used wrong!It should be neolib,since they are the socialist(like the Nazis)where!Sean is a good man and does alot more than our own politicians do,but i must say he does get out of control once in a while!
Keep listening..... his Arbitron ratings thanks you.... so wonder Air America failed miserably, all the left on Y/A are glued to Right side radio.
I don't watch him.
No, I don't believe that Sean is a neocon, he has been a conservative for a long time....And it's his program so he should have who he wants on there. Liberals are afraid of him.
what does it matter what you label him, he's got a great following because he sticks up for America and average Americans. You seem to be an avid viewer and intelligent person, I thought you would know that PS, Just say no to HiLiary
I am not sure if Rudy would be classified as a neocon in the terms the way defined by the democrats. I like Sean Hannity but yes he should have more of the candidates on. I have a problem with him pandering to McCain who I think is more of a problem with his immigration stance and his work with the Democrats and Republican senators who made up the Gang of 14 and ensured that the democrats could continue to play politics with judicial nominees. Just taking the fourth district of the Court of Appeals we have 5 vacancies on a 15 member bench thus opening up the possibility of a democratic president can change the court with 5 appointments.
Was there every any question? Show the guy who thinks Hamnity ISNT a neocon....
Will somone please define the term "Neo-Con"? please.

Not some link, but what it supposedly means in their own words?

If it's not Rudy, it'll be all Mitt all the time. Hannity is a New Yorker. Rudy was the Mayor. Of course he's going to be a hawk for him. I wouldn't call him a full neocon. Maybe neocon light. He is a right wing mouthpiece though.
Yep, its becoming apparent that Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes want Guiliani to win. Remember, Hannity is just a tool for Fox, and not a very smart one at that.

The good thing is that its only a matter of time before the other GOP candidates request equal time on Fox before they start to complain....loudly.

Is he a neocon? Well, yes. He espouses the mantra of the Bush Administration....big government, spying on Americans, massive deficit spending, etc.
He has an open offer to ALL the presidential candidates from both parties
Turn it off,simpleton.
Rudy is what the old guard wants. Not what we want.
I think so, or just an idiot most of the time. On the hannity forums, you couldn't talk about Ron Paul at all for a time, but there were more than a few supporters, so they had to allow it again.
I imagine it is very frustrating to watch Hannity every day, fantacizing about catching him in a lie, and never being able to do it. Name calling is all that's left.
Perhaps you werent listening when he had on Senator Voinovich -D(?) the other day regarding illegal immigration, instead the Senator hung up on him on live air. yes he has guiliani or romney on quite frequently. How is that different from Chris Matthews with liberal guests most the time, or Olbermann with left wing extremists kooksto kis his *** in affirmation whenever he utters a word? Hannity provides what his listeners demand.
I can't listen to hannity anymore cause its just non-stop liberals bad liberals bad
I'm going to say NO. He seems to be a more traditional Conservative.

... did you say " i give up"? if yes for what?

Ja, I gave up my religion. Actually I am Muslim but I dont go to the moske. I prefer to pray at home because I dont like anyone ruling my life and,of course...I am GAY,hahaha.

Yankees eliminated...Will Joe Torre be fired? yes or no? I say no, he'll get one more year, 200

If he doesn't get fired he should quit! Working for a boob like stienbrenner is totally below this man. But still... Go Tribe sorry Joe!

Yankees eliminated...Will Joe Torre be fired? yes or no? I say no, he'll get one more year, 2008?the grand theater

Torre..fired.....Manager of the Cardinals......A-Rod..gone to the Angels.....Pasada..gone to the Mets.....Mariano..gone to the Mets...

Yankees eliminated...Will Joe Torre be fired? yes or no? I say no, he'll get one more year, 2008?soap opera opera theater

Should have been fired last season...This isn't the first early exit for the yanks..After how he had them playing in the regular season, I think he's out...
Who cares? Go Sox!
It depends on people who are capable of talking The Boss out of making that stupid decision of firing Torre. I can't wait till Cashman speaks.

Should we go out? should i say yes?

there is this kid who lives up the street frm me. we have know each other since 3rd grade. when we hit middle school he didnt want to go to the same one i did. so we r in 2 differnt schools and the other day i saw him for the first time in 2 years! i was so excited cuz we were really gud friends in elemantary school

in those 2 year andrew has really grown up....

he is really mature now

he hangs out wit me all the time

he even will meet me at the bus stop after school and walk me home, we will sit on the swings for hours and talk about nothing and everything at the same time

he has really grown on me........

but at the same my other life at school

there is this guy i have been crushin on since 6th grade

i just found out that he really likes me

he asked this gurl out and i was crushed1 he called me that night cuz one of my friends told him i was crying

and he promised me if him and the other girl didnt work out then he would ask me out

me question is

WHICH ONE!!!!!!!!!!!

Should we go out? should i say yes?chinese theater

the one from elementary school sounds better. if the guy you like at your school is making you an option, he isnt worth your time.

Should we go out? should i say yes?opera mini opera theater

If you have to ask on here, I would say neither. Find someone you're sure about.
please go
the kid who lives up the street. he seems more caring and sweet.
it depends do you like that other guy who lives up the street from you?if so i thinkt that you should go for the guy who asked you out first i mean what is there to loose? what if that guy's relationship form 6th grade works out and they stay together for such a long time that he forgets about your promise to each other i mean i think that the guy who asked you first deserves you the most! you can always break up and go with the other if they change to much! u know that you shouldn't do what other people say but then again if you can't make up your mind you have to weigh the options! hope i could help!

How do you make a guy say yes when you ask him out.?

you really caint you have to be paiten get to know them and when you get close then ask cuase it is all about thier feelings about you

How do you make a guy say yes when you ask him out.?star theater

get to know him first, get to be friends with him.. don't be a whore about it or anything, because most guys i know, at least, don't like that. just be friendly and a little cute as you get to know him, and maybe even HE might ask YOU out

Robbie Williams gay? newspaper today. Me thinks yes, what say you??

The paper said Louis Wash fancies Robbie Williams, who think there is any truth in it?

Who also thinks that Robbie should stop mixing english and american accents in the same song??? Rudebox- yeah right.

Robbie Williams gay? newspaper today. Me thinks yes, what say you??opera songs

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that he'd dropped his anchor in poo bay.

His over-reaction when newspapers hint of him being gay (i.e sueing everyone in sight) only proves he is. Anyone else would say 'yeah right'.

That Rudebox song is crap too. Hope this is the demise of an overrated fat dancer from Take That.

Get rid of the dick

Robbie Williams gay? newspaper today. Me thinks yes, what say you??secure browser opera theaterI really dont think he is gay but he maybe bi Report It

you just think he's gay! Report It

Absolute bilge, you can count on the media to invent dirt where they can't find it !
and if he is will it stop him from being funny no or acting no

so why will matter to you or me if he is gay here a idea get a life and life it stop with the bullsh*t crying
So why does He sh*g so many female fans then,in an age of gay artistes!?
I think he's definitely gay!
Any man who sleeps with that many women is not gay. He plays on the gay thing to interest gay people in his music, it is a shrewd business move, he knows the value of the pink pound.
i would say so, I wonder if jonathon wilkes is / was, I can feel a question coming on
What the hell has it got to do with us or the papers, it is his life and he should be allowed to lead it as he wishes.
So someone gay fancying you makes you gay?
if robbie is straight

i am not a virgin
of course he is im glad everyone has now realised!!!
The newspapers obviously had a spare paragraph to fill with their rubbish again today then.
i'm still pissed at him for using beastie boy lyrics in his song. come up with your own please!

i think he is but secretly give him sum time %26amp; he'll come out like lance bass did
i think he likes a bit of both, he cud b a sausage jockey, or a uphill gardener, but either way i don't care cause he's a great singer and entertainer,
wow your question has bbbbbaaaadddd grammer!!!! doesnt make much i would take more english in high school
yeah, ive always thought robbie was gay if he wasnt he would have some supermodel hanging off his arm, instead he is "all messed up poor little rich kid " i would still shag him though he is hot.
not gay. but definately lost his footing. he needs some humble pie for lunch and dinner.
Shut up u prat. I think he has proved himself u ****
Bi methinks.
rudebox load of shite

Robbie gay what do i care if he is i wouldn't be surprised
He can do whatever he likes, as far as I'm concerned.
If you read the article its Robbie's tongue in cheek way of saying because Louis Walsh keeps slagging him off he must fancy him. Either way I still think Robbie is gay, if not he is bi - who cares?
I have the phone number of a very good lible lawyer. I could send you it when you need it.
dont be silly. and while im on do you think the robster gives a flying f**k what the papers say? publicity sells records. dont be so niave!
he absolutely isnt. read his biography. poker strait
methinks he swings both ways !!!
Who knows, who cares!
Louis Walsh also fancies Chris Moyles, but he's not gay. I think Robbie's a fun loving guy, and guy or girl, it's whoever he happens to fancy at that moment in time
I think he's just an attention seeker and will do or say anything to get publicity!!
well, he is gorgeous and has a pretty good sense of fashion....

Okay..., I think This boys gonna say yes for being my Valentine but I feel like Idk...?

any of u feel like u dont want someone but u want someone? I mean I liked this boy soo much but then he asked my friend! I can get over him! Theres another Idk. help me out? Also is havin a Valentine means I have to date?!

Okay..., I think This boys gonna say yes for being my Valentine but I feel like Idk...?opera cd

ya if u like this guy ask him out, lol i like the 1st answer

Okay..., I think This boys gonna say yes for being my Valentine but I feel like Idk...?opera singer opera theater

well good for you, I know he will say yes, have a wonderful holiday.

What is a creative way to say yes to a guy???

the guy set up a crime scence outlined a body on my drive way and put caution tape around and a sign that said. "I would die fi you didn't go to prom with me"

HOW to i respond creatively?

What is a creative way to say yes to a guy???chicago theater

First off that was a really cute thing he did to ask you out.

And I'd go with the second answer if I were you.

What is a creative way to say yes to a guy???met opera opera theater

1.) Call him over to your house.

2.) Lie inside said body outline.

3.) When he arrives and sees you lying there,

4.) say "I would die if I didn't say yes"

That's all I got.
Just say yes, the poor guy went through all that effort all he wants is a simple yes!
write it on a shirt and wear another one on top and open it.
Get a picture of him and make a "Wanted--for the prom" poster.
Just say yes, don't play games
you could send him on the photo scavenger hunt with your answer at the very end...
"This angel is taking you to heaven." wear white wings. or something angellic
do a backflip then say yes in spanish

Is basketball an intresting game?i say yes but give me some facts about this.?

my friend asked me this question but i am also an basketball

player but i dont know what to answer.

can u help me guys.


Is basketball an intresting game?i say yes but give me some facts about this.?theater seating

yes it is. Well it actually depends. Most people in America like football(NFL), then the second is baseball(MLB) then the third is basketball(NBA). For me, I like basketball the most. Growing accustomed to it(basketball) is one of the big factors why I like the game. As a kid my dad and older brother would let me memorize players' names, my dad specifically teaching me the Dream Team(yeah they didn't help me with seatwork and school stuff.. haha). Second is, I really don't find it boring.. I mean when my team(Dallas Mavericks) plays, I find them very fun to watch. And so with any other NBA game though it's not the Mavs that are playing. Moments ago I was watching Houston vs. Heat and i liked it though Houston was up by many points... It's sort of like affecting me in some way. I dunno, but I love this game. :)

Is basketball an intresting game?i say yes but give me some facts about this.?lyric opera opera theater


'Rebound: jumping for the ball

Traveling: walking with the ball

:pro step: taking 1 big step with the ball

:goal tending: trying to block ball when going down to the basket

i think that's all you need and you can buy NBA live 07 or 08
try to bring your friend to a live nba game and see what we are crazy about. And it will also make your life a little bit more easy rather than explaining it to him/her on why is it interesting.
Yeah. Basketball is nice. Sometimes, it's so nice that it'll be able to kill people during close games. The thrill is just there. the teams just keep answering each others buckets. It's also most especially nice to play it. It feels so nice to play basketball. It feels nice to be able to score or to be able to set your teammates up to score. It feels good to make defensive plays.

Why do ladies say no , but mean yes?

they confess me with this

Why do ladies say no , but mean yes?theatre tickets

Why do men not know how to take no for an answer?

Why do ladies say no , but mean yes?opera house opera theater

I am a girl (with my Dad's avatar) and I have no idea what you're talking about... sorry!
No,they don't.??
We are not confessing.......

Just to see your patience, to know whether you really want a serious relationship or not.
You mean confuse. And that's the point.
Girls only do that when they are immature.
Because they're not people. They're women
I dunno ,but they really need to cut dat sh*t out , thats how you can get yourself rapped.

How can i make my mom say yes the a hermit crab for me.?

plz help

How can i make my mom say yes the a hermit crab for me.?hollywood theater

Do as much research as you can on them, so you can show her you know enough about them to take good care of them. Hermit crabs require:

-a tank that will hold humidity levels at a minimum of 70% (no wire cages or open-top Critter Keepers)

-a light source

-a variety of ethoxyquin-free hermit crab foods, plus some fresh fruits and vegetables (no citrus), and occasional seafood

-fresh water, treated with AquaSafe

-brackish water (fresh water with Instant Ocean added)

-a good substrate (calci-sand, eco-earth, etc.), deep enough for the largest crab to burrow completely under

-misting bottle

-an assortment of hideaways and climbing things (branches, netting, etc.)

-a MINIMUM of three spare shells per crab, slightly larger than his current shell and sterilized prior to offering to him

-an undertank heater, placed under one end of the tank (so he can choose between the warmer side and the cooler side), which maintains a minimum temperature of 75 degrees

-a second, smaller tank to serve as a "sickbay" or isolation tank (for sick or molting crabs)

Below are some good links for you to check out. I've had hermit crabs for five years; at one time I had over 100 crabs in five tanks!! I currently have 20 crabs; two strawberries, one ruggie, and 17 c.clypeatus (purple pincer, most common).

How can i make my mom say yes the a hermit crab for me.? opera theater

A. It won't get fleas.

B. It won't scratch up the furniture

C. It won't chew anyone's shoes

D. It won't shed, except for a whole shell every couple years

E. You don't have to get it neutered or vaccinated

F. It won't bark

G. It has no teeth, so it can't bite

H. It won't pee, poop, or puke on the carpet
wow! even my mom let me have a hermit crab. There is very little maintnence. All you have to do is clean the cage every other week and make sure there's always food and water for the little guys. I think they're fun to watch. They actually dont pinch. O ya, always have a couple shells in there for them to molt. U see, im always begging for pets (mostly guineapigs, i really want one) and my parents just say no then ignore me. But one time I did a lot of research and and talked to them seriously and now my mom is seriously considering it because they now know that I am responsible enough to look up info and I truly want one. Just research and talk to you parents seriously about how you want one. Well actually, get about 4. They're very social, and get lonely when they're alone. I hope you get your hermit crabs :)

Do Men say this to be nice??? Yes OR NO Thank YOU!?

I know this might sound stupid but I just meet a nice guy and he always says have a nice day darling or take care baby and things like that and he asked me out on a coffee date and I have only just known him for 3weeks does this mean he likes me or is he just being nice??? Because sometimes when he says that I will just respond by saying thanks sweetheart hope you have a good day too what do you think???? Thank U

Do Men say this to be nice??? Yes OR NO Thank YOU!?

I think this guy is actually interested in you. It sounds that way from what he says to you. A good way to find out is to take him up on his offer or suggest something yourself. ';-)

Do Men say this to be nice??? Yes OR NO Thank YOU!?opera mobile opera theater

He likes you. Good luck, and hope things turn out for the best.
he likes you. trust me.
He could very easily have not asked you on another date. Sounds like you got a suitor.
He asked you out on a date. If that doesn't give you your answer maybe he'll fly past you on a blimp with a more clear message.
He likes you and you know it! lol stop being oblivious!
He is doing what a typical man should do. He says bye to you to have courtesy and because he likes you.
lol, in my opinion, asking you out after only knowing for 3 weeks is WAY too long! i usually ask a girl out for coffee only a week of knowing her.

He's only doing this to avoid your friend-zone. I'm 19 and every new girl that i meet, i try to not land in her friend zone, so right from the start i show sexual attraction.
i think he likes you. guys dont usualy do this
Some guys just talk like that to everyone. Some guys talk like that to girls they like. Go on the date and see what happens, you will have the peace of mind of knowing if nothing else.
I think he's trying to be sweet or romantic - but personally I don't like being called pet names unless I'm in love. And darling and baby - just seem corny.
i never say "baby" or "sweetheart" i think its ridiculous and immature
Compare with how he treats other people. Sometimes the person is just a very friendly person and sometimes it's really because he likes you. Consistancy is key, so go find out. ;)
He likes you, and if you don't then you sent him the wrong message.

i work at a store, and sometimes people say things like that without thinking. it doesnt necessarily mean anything
i tink he likes you! haha lol

hey please answer this:;...
ummm.. my guy friends always say that to me and I dont think nothing about it.
likes you
he likes u cuz i dont know too many guyz who would ask me on a date and call me 'sweet heart' or 'baby' just to be nice! it would be too awkward
he likes you
u and your new friend should enjoy your new found friendship,and let life take its wishes to ya...
no he is a nerd...he wouldn't know the first thing about asking a girl out....i have a roommate like that....always bullshitss about everything.

How to get my dad to say yes to a cat?

i really want a kitten but my dad dosent like them he says they get up on the counter we used to have cats and they did, so he made us get rid of them. i thought of some stuff like paying for de-clawing and spaying. but i need more....please help!

p.s. no mean or imiture answers plz. its annoying!

p.s.s. we also have 5 dogs right now.and 3 fish...

How to get my dad to say yes to a cat?opera music

You cant train cats to not go on the counter with a squirt bottle. You can also train them to use the toilet....

How to get my dad to say yes to a cat?opera sheet music opera theaterOops, meant you CAN train cats to not go on the counter Report It

kittens are trouble - your dad is right

an older more settled cat is better

and declawing is cruel

if you insist on declawing - get a cat who has already had this done

here is a link about convincing parents to get you a pet

here is one on declawing

spaying for sure is important!
Wait until you're an adult and living on your own. I know that's not what you want to hear, but do you really want a cat living with someone who doesn't want a cat and doesn't like the cat? It's not healthy or safe for the cat. If you're a cat lover, see if you can volunteer with a shelter or rescue and spend time with cats that way.
Your cat may TRULY be in danger from the 5 dogs. I think your dad is right.

Also, he does NOT seem like someone who has the patience to live with a cat. He made you "get rid of" (BAD!!!) the other cats? What happened to them? PLEASE don't let another cat have to go thru this!!

For the cat's sake, wait until you are older to think of getting one.
How will your dogs react to a kitten?

It sounds like you guys have your hands full with the dogs...5 is a lot!

Tell your dad that it will be your responsibility to train the kitten, and if you fail, promise to get rid of it. IN the mean time, read everything you can about training kittens on the internet. Perhaps you can find a professional cat trainer by your house.

It is my birthday today (woo-hoo!!!), and I think my bf is going to get me a kitten. He also hates cats, but I promised him that I will clean up after it and etc. He caved in....

Why do married people pretend to say yes i love you so much and i promise to never apart each other?

but today the most married people wanted divorce.

Why do married people pretend to say yes i love you so much and i promise to never apart each other?phantom of the opera

Because the reality is that MARRIAGE is hard work...

Like any mechanical system.... it requires work and regular maintenance

Like any living thing.... it needs to be fed and nurtured.

Most people don't get that... and end up with:

AUTOS in the JUNK YARD and

Dead plants.

Why do married people pretend to say yes i love you so much and i promise to never apart each other?listen to opera opera theater

because they got married for the good, once the bad comes, they are out of there
Because alot of times, people don't know how much hard work a marriage can be when they are going into it. They find it easier to get a divorce than to work out any issues together as a partnership. They can begin to blame each other for any problems they may encounter, and begin to hate each other. It's so sad that the divorce rate is so high.
I think that your looking at life through some pretty narrow minded glasses. Do you really think that you can speak for every married person?

I don't think that most of the married people that I know do not want to get a divorce. They would like to continue being married and live happily ever after. The problem is trying to figure out how to get that done.
Some people have their own way of crazy thinking about how they do things. Some people are just shallow like that, that's why you have to take time to get to know someone.
you always live in the moment
for dramatic affect
Sounds good
Because at the time they mean it.
Because they have no idea what marriage is or how to exist in one. Their expectations are unrealistic. They want wine and roses all the time and think that they will never get annoyed with their spouses, or disagree, or have money problems and when they do, instead of realizing this is normal and try to resolve the problems, they decide its too hard and the marriage is over. Love, real or pretend is not the only reason people get married,just gotta be real about it. I think people love each other when they marry they just have no skills or real sense of what commitment is.
I'm sorry but I don't agree with you.

I think if two mature adults who love and respect each other promise to "love and stay together", they usually do.

You can't speak for most married people - you can only speak for yourself. I'm sorry if that's what you believe.
Sometimes people just grow apart and never think about what made them attracted to this person in the first place it had to be something special about that person. That's why married people have to work on keeping ther lite lit.
Not every couple do dear Heart. Married people meant every word when they told their partner before they got married and promised each other a lot of things. With time and experiences, often, one of them has cheated or is bored with a relationship that is in stagnation. They need action, different experiences, exploration of new horizons. It does not mean they do not love each other anymore. Boredom killed their passion and without communications, it lead to the inevitable divorce.
You sometimes say it to keep yourself out of trouble! Listen to the words of Extreme's More than Words it will give you a lot to think about.
Because at that moment in their lives, they are blinded by love for each other. They don't realize until later on that there are only two things for certain in life. Taxes and death. Love is not a thing for certainty. It is what you make it. It only last as long as the spark stays lit. People should never vow love for each other until death does them apart. Sometimes death out lives the marriage, and the love.
i dont think they pretend. most people really DO mean it at the time. of course that changes with time lol
It's the lack of commitment. The committment is what keeps you together when the love is at it's lowest points. The good news it, love will climb again higher than ever before and that is the reward for having the commitment.
I am not to sure on that answer. I know that when I tell my husband I love you it is at the right times. Like when we are leaving each other for the day, we say I love you.. But we do not go around in stores saying "oh baby I love you!!! I miss you pookie pooo" lol It is just I love you (insert name) and that is that. So maybe the people who try to hard are the ones who fall apart faster.
im sure they didnt know they were gonna get divorced when they were getting married
Most people don't go into a marriage thinking they're going to divorce. And if they're pretending to mean they love each other, they deserve the heartache they would get. I'm a firm believer any marriage can be saved, people just want to give up on and not fight for it, which is a very sad thing.
I'm pretty sure at the time of marriage, neither one is thinking of divorce, or even considering that as an option. ( Their not "pretending", their just ignorant, have no idea of what their about to step foot into)

People live in the moment, oftentimes making "on the spur of the moment"/ spontaneous decsions, not realizing what may result from it- the aftermath- so to speak..

Once reality hits them, its up to them to then make the decsion of whether or not to stick to their vows and both committ to making it work, and communicate with one another especailly during the hard times %26amp; not just give up.

It takes two to make it work. If one is faltering/ one isn't honest with their spouse and most importantly themself, the marriage will fail.

Why is it so easy to say yes when someone asks you if you believe in God, but not easy to answer, wh

Answer the first question and also this one:

Do you believe in God? Why?

If not, why not?

Why is it so easy to say yes when someone asks you if you believe in God, but not easy to answer, why?soap opera

This may be a bit controversial, however...

Living in a Christian culture, like America, it is easy to say I believe in God. In Iran, you might say I believe in Allah, quite naturally.

However, in my opinion, few people actually walk the walk with God on a day by day basis. Few actrually rely and trust God, and sing praises in the car to God as they go to work.

Rather many people who claim to believe in God may go to church on Sunday -- probably not every week, for it's not a priority for them -- and maybe only on special holidays, like Christmas or Easter. They go to make themselves feel better more so that to give their praise to God.

God becomes important to these folks - and I would say most Christians from my experience - when they cannot handle something themselves, like an illness...or need help, like on a test. Few will absolutely begin praying about a job search, or a house sale and move, or whether a baby is right, AND wait on the Lord in complete trust to answer. We can read the stories in the Bible and look at the 30+ years between when God said Sarah would bear a child, and when she actually did, with awe, but fail to place the trust Abraham had in God in their own lives.

So, in a way, it's easy to talk the talk, but it takes faith from God Himself to walk the walk...and many choose not pursue this faith unless its comfortable for them, or a necessity.

Personally, I try to walk the walk with Christ all the time. I fail many times, but always come back to His feet in humility and thanksgiving. I do see Him work when I trust, and that brings more's too bad that so many Christians do not practice their faith via trust and obedience beyond Sundays. When my time is up, I want to have practiced my faith so much, that I can say without fear of death what Paul said, "to live Christ, to die is gain." To say that with all conviction and assurance, comes from a lifetime of trust and faith in Christ and watching Him work in your life...not from a conversion followed by a self-reliant life.

So, it is far easier to say I believe in God, but a whole lot harder to say why, unless you have been daily placing your faith in Christ.

Why is it so easy to say yes when someone asks you if you believe in God, but not easy to answer, why?city opera opera theater

I believe in God because I have faith. and we are to learn to walk by faith
the moment i believe in Him my life seems to be amazing, i cant even find a definite word for it to describe then...i've been more blessed and though there are so many trials in my life i didnt doubt His existence, He will never leave me coz i know He loves me that much that He cant bear to see me suffering...i offer everything to Him and i know i will always be in good hands...
Yes I believe in God. God changed my life and gave me peace and hope. I believe the Bible is literally the inspired Word of the Living God. I believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.

Hopefully, I've answered your question correctly.
I absolutely believe in God- why? Because through Jesus' shed blood, I am not only forgiven, but have become a changed person. For those who say you cannot see God anywhere- open the eyes of your heart, and you will see Him everywhere.
because most people don't know why they believe in god. it's something they've been taught from childhood and have never really "questioned, argued or explored."

i don't believe in the popular version of god, but i think there's a universal energy that will restore balance to the cosmos.
Yes, I do. And since you asked why:

There are 2 legitimate ways to discern truth, one being through our feelings and one through reason. It's hard to communicate a feeling and that's where a good deal of evidence is for God's existence.

I believe in God because I'm come to realize there's a great deal of evidence through both feelings and reason in his existence and for the reason why he prepared this earthly existence.

The best way to discover truth is to use both feelings and reason together.

If you're interested in understanding more about the purpose of life, visit the following web site:
I do not, just look around. Do you see anything that indicates the existence of a God?
It's called free-will.....I believe, I believe, I believe!!!!!
Because the question "why?" requires reason(s) as an answer, and there is none to support theism.
Yes because HE is the TRUTH
No I do not. There is absolutely zero evidence of any god or gods existing.
Because no one wants to think
Yes, I DO believe in God. Why? It's because God is with me all the time. Though we can't really see Him, that's because He is working in our hearts; guiding us on what to do that is for the good.
It's only difficult to answer if you have a general airy fairy belief in God.. Try thinking about why you belive in God and maybe start reading a chapter of the Bible each night so that you have a better understanding of what God, creation, Jesus is all about. In other words, make God real through knowing His truth and you will be very comfortable answering the question when you are asked:)
I'm not sure if i believe in God, but i believe in an intelligence greater than us, because i don't believe creation can happen by itself. I don't believe the universe started by itself. Of course i have no proof of this, just personal belief.
It's easy to say yes when you have experience how God shows His love for you. He came to earth in the name of Jesus, died for my sins and gave me the gift of life through salvation. He speaks to me, I see, hear and feel how He works in my life.

Do you find it easier to say yes or no to people?


Do you find it easier to say yes or no to people?opera mini

Thank you and yes Report It

Do you find it easier to say yes or no to people?passions soap opera opera theater

I used to say yes to everybody- but it's just not plausible- unless you are mother Teresa- so now I say mostly- no- I can't. It's funny how I'm appreciated so much more these days and happier in myself because of this. I still care for people, but try and get them to help themselves, rather than using me as their number one backup plan. So I no longer babysit every new years eve, pay for every meal out and do all the washing up! etc etc
no to the women

and yes to the men
I say fck off to people
no... I always find it difficult to say no to people.. so, i'm always saying Yes.
I suppose it's always easier to say yes but then people treat you like a doormat so you have to learn to say no.

well saying yes when you dont want to.. mmm but id say yes..
I'm very bad at saying no, I'm afraid. It can be fun, though.
Yes becaus eif i say no they will be mad a t me and then that will make me all saddddddd
I find it very difficult to say no. i open my mouth to say no and yes comes out. very frustrating
I takes more effort for me to say no.
depends on what is said, it is easier to say either one as long as you are being true to yourself.......................
no, no, no, no, no.... well maybe..... Ok yes it is.
Easier to say yes......then make up a pure BS answer for changing your mind...."I'm washing my hair that day" i dont know
I really hate saying no to people and envy those who can do it without hesitation.
I have no problems with saying yes or no to people. I just say out straight.
yes, it is always Yes, there is a rare no once in a while :(
NO is easier and quick
Yes, I'm such a wuss
Yes is so much easier.

for instance , if you wanted to buy me a drink iw ould say yes.

If you wanted to take me on a holiday i would say yes.

see how easy it is :)
Depends on the ? but usually yes is easier

How can you make a parent say yes to buying you a chihuahua?

$250 male brown and tan 10wks old :] TOOOO CUTE!!

How can you make a parent say yes to buying you a chihuahua?extension

Tell them that you know the responsibility of raising a puppy......tell them that you will potty train the puppy ( puppy pads are GREAT) Just convince them that you are and will be very responsible in taking care of the new pet, my guess is once you convince them of that and you get the pet They will all love it .....I think usually that is a big thing with parents ( i am one) is making sure that the child/teenager knows what all it involves in taking care of one make it your mission to prove to your parents that you will step up to the plate and take care of it. And besides chihuahuas do not get very big so thats a plus ....and to be honest thats a wonderful price for one....And they make such great companions ...I have a "Morkie" ( Yorkshire and Maltese ) and she has been the best thing for me .....I hope this helps you and Good Luck......!!!! I will be pulling for you :)

How can you make a parent say yes to buying you a chihuahua?movie theater opera theater

you can bribe them

keep it somewhere else

or offer to take complete care of it (try using something valuable and say"if I dont do it, you can keep this and I will get rid of him/her)

(or sneak it :) )
say you'll pick up its poop/feed/ take it for walks/ and all that good stuff! suck up to them!

good luck!
Well, you can't. It's kind of up to them. You could start by asking nicely, and if that doesn't work, well, there might be a good reason.
Brag about how many things you do for your family and dont ask anything in return. Also, ask that the only thing you want for X-mas is a dog. That worked for my parents when i had asked for a Pug. It took me forever to get them into buying me one.
let them see its shiny little puppy dog eyes starring up at them and tell them what a good home u could give the pup...and beg beg beg...remind them that christmas is right around the corner1 lol!
omg it sounds cute, ok i just begged my mom to take me somewhere so i can sing for stuff and you have to keep on saying please over and over and say you will feed it and everything like that.
Promise to stop nagging about the pony.
well unless your wealthy or have cool parents, not gonna happen.

but it you tell them you'll help buy it and actually do help, pay for like half.

and beg.

beg your lungs out.

oh and btw, i have a chihuahua, i suggest a better dog.

chihuahuas are just plain stupid and take craps EVERYWHERE.

my mom wanted one, so thats why we got ours, and she is the most annoying dog ever.
Buy it yourself.
did you say please? did you say ill fully take care of him I PROMISE? did you say it'll teach me to have more responsibility? did you say "PWEASE MommY Please Daddy I WOVE YOU AND I'll ALWAYS WOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER PLEASE LET ME HAVE A CHIHUAHUA" Dad says "NO" you say "cmon it'll be my responsibility to pick up after him take care of him and feed him and walk him forever and ever" If parents say yes then YAY if no then.... did you ever try PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LET ME HAVE A CHIHUAHUA!!!! ?
say something like since you won't let me have a chihuahua then I want a snake or something that your parents wouldn't want you to have in a million years, that'll open them up to having a dog! :)
tell them you want so badly that you will kill to get it.. LOL
here is how they say yes. Go to the wal*mart and buy the little stuffed dog, then they'll say yes! :D
First, promise your parents that it'll train you to be responsible.

Second, tell them that having a pet means extra hand in guarding the house. It may just be a tiny dog but it's still a dog, so it can bark esp to strangers.

Third, tell them it wont be too expensive to take care of since its just a tiny dog which means less food intake, less grooming, etc. :)

Fourth, when begging for their "YES" look at them with puppy eyes so that they cant resist you. :)

Once you get the chihuahua, be very responsible in taking care of it so that the next time you'll ask for a ST BERNARD, you wont have a hard time begging! (wink) GOODLUCK!
buy it yourself. bring it home. make them fall n love. its what i did
Promise 1000 times you will take care of it.
prove to them that you will be responsible enough to care for it in all the ways necessary.
Well, one day you bring home a rat and say that since they wouldn't allow you to have a Chihuahua, you got a rat instead. Then tell them that if they don't allow you to have it still, you are going to keep the rat.

plus, what's the difference?

Do you think a girl would say yes...?

if i asked her out through email or some thing

Do you think a girl would say yes...?secure browser

No, that's lame. Do it in person like a man!

Do you think a girl would say yes...?home theater opera theater


Do you ever say no but mean yes?

not usually I mean what I say

Do you ever say no but mean yes?opera singer

no no no yes yes yes..


Do you ever say no but mean yes?amc theater opera theater

Only as a child,when i knew no sense and cut me nose off very often,i used to get very embarrassed,but you should see me now.
Not if the question is "Do you want a huge sack of cash?"
usually the other way round
Yeah! All the time. I makes me look really crazy cause i keep changing my mind
Yeah, when i'm nervous or shy. For example someone ( a nice guy) asked me if i wanted him to pour me water and i said no but i meant yes please or i can do it thanks. And i really wanted the damn water! But i didn't take it after coz then he would have thought i was crazy or something.......aaaaaaahhh good times.
no....oh sorry i meant yes

yes, it happens to me sometimes too
some times
Alot, But it's normally the other way around!
sometimes. But more often i say yes but mean no.
no...I mean yes

...erm, yes.
NO i mean yes
no.i mean yes!
No. I mean yes. I mean no.
I usually say yes when I really want to say no....
Sometimes! x
somtimes not really tho

nice question
yep sometimes happens lol

Why women say no when they mean yes ?

some times no means yes.......but when a woman knows what she wants...

NO means NO....

Why women say no when they mean yes ?lyric opera

When a woman says no she means no, period!!!!! Don't assume you know what a woman really wants.

Why women say no when they mean yes ?imax theater opera theater

Well , Im a woman, and no offense to my gender but we sometimes dont pay attention. No means yes, yes means no, maybe means probably, etc.
I don't know, but I guess you can always ask the police when they arrest you for rape.
They want you to squirm and see what you will do....they want to know if you will do the right thing or the easy way......take your time with women, and find out what they are really saying....also look at body language.... can't live with them, and you can't kill
No means no
HUH? I thought no meant NO!!!!! I would venture to say that a few of our prominent sports figures wished that they had listened to that word.
Sometimes they really do mean NO. Other times its more about understanding. It is also just for fun.
Do you actually think that when a woman says no to you, she is really thinking yes. NO, NO ,No my ignorant man. We say NO cause we can!!!
where the hell are you from? NO means NO jerkoff.
Sometimes women say the opposite because they don't want to let their boyfriends or husbands, or friends for that matter, to know that they are weak when it comes to the matter.
They make it so hard to tell, and they expect you to know exactly what they mean. It isn't worth thinking about, least I have given up.
we're confused.
Well, if you know they mean yes, then it doesn't matter. It's the implications that matter.
b/c we aim to tease and please...

Is saw 3 better than the other saws if you say yes why do you say yes?

i think so because he was a good as hell. he test her to the fullest and that was a good test. and the other reason why i said yes was because you wouldn't Even knew how everything went down n 1%26amp;2 because broke it down on how they started off to how they finish. so hell yea

Is saw 3 better than the other saws if you say yes why do you say yes?

yes because at the end it all ends up making sense,and it's surprising!

Is saw 3 better than the other saws if you say yes why do you say yes?amc theatre opera theater

I have not seen it yet, taking my daughter who is 12 and her bf who is also 12 taking them today to see it, hope its good!
Saw 3 was just as good as the others. Unlike many movies the 3rd movie was great.
I've seen em all.

3 was good the storyline and all. and it all made since.

but my fav will always be the first one i think. nothin in never made better than the original but hmm it comes real real close..

How should I get him to say "yes" to me?

every time i ask him to go out with me he says no. what should i do if i really like him?

How should I get him to say "yes" to me?opera mobile

Sorry to say but if you've asked more than once and received no as an answer each time, I highly doubt there's anything you can do to change his mind.

Sounds like he's not interested. Sorry.

How should I get him to say "yes" to me?imax theatre opera theater

Say "Please?"
Let it go
well hon, he's just not into you......don't waste your time, move'll meet lots of people who are into you.....

Are You Happy For Me? Please Say Yes:-)?

I was afraid that due to a seriously massive blood transfusion in the seventies... I may have contracted Hepatitis C... and passed it to my youngest Asperger Syndrome son... born six years later.

The implications of a test to find out were so bad for so long... I dare not go to find out... then Anita Roddick came out with her test recently... and sadly... her positive result... having had a transfusion at a similar time to me... long before screening in the UK... way before Hep C and HIV was known.

My ex feared for his job... our mortgage and our life insurances as well... should I pursue the test... so... I didn't.

My son was seriously ill with double pneumonia not long ago and it went to his liver... again... I beat myself up... was it my fault? Had I passed Hep C to him from unsceened blood... it can sit for decades in the system before affecting anyone.

My test results came back neagtive today... I am walking on a cloud... I'm free from guilt at last:-)

Are You Happy For Me? Please Say Yes:-)?opera sheet music

With so good news, what can a star add? But I give you one, just to tell that reading you message made me happy, too. Congratulation, and thank you for sharing your happiness with us.

Are You Happy For Me? Please Say Yes:-)?shows opera theaterNarvy: Thank you for those words... forgive me putting this to the vote... it was so hard to choose the nicest answer... since you are all so kind... thank you and God Bless everyone of you:-) Report It

g1 am happy for u
i am very pleased for you

good luck and take care
Sorry but I don't know... by the way...yes
excellent news!!
CONGRATS!!!! I'm so glad for you and your son! I hope he gets well soon!

I am glad you can finally close that chapter of your life! Happy Beginnings! - maya
Yes I am very happy for you as I was recently in a similar position and heaved a huge sigh of relief when my tests for Hepatitis B and C came back negative - until the results came through it was as if everything was on hold and now I can get on with my life again. Best wishes to you and to your son.
Thats great news and well done for going for the test.

I am friends with an older lady who has just discovered she has contracted hepC from a blood transfusion after the birth of her son 31 years ago.

She is open about it - and quite rightly so!

That is fantastic news!



Sounds like you have been through a really tough time- well done chick!
Very, very happy for you. What a burden you've been carrying around.

I'm happy for you JJ :-) LoL
Good for you stay positive and you will have a great stress free life !
I am really happy for you - you must be elated!
Good for you, It's good when something positive like this happens. It's reassuring to know that you have the certainty of being around longer for your son.

i am very happy 4 u JJ.worries seem so bad and makes u feel worse but the end result is worth it. good luck to you and your family.
im glad your happy, good for you
Yes, very! Thank goodness it's all over for you!
Congratulations. I hope this encourages other people to get tested if they are worried about anything.
Congrats now enjoy life better without heavy shoulders
tis nt ur fault, though i can see why you would think that! congrats and good luck, oh yeh i am extremely happy for u! :D
Wow. You must be feeling so so relieved. Yes, I am happy for you.
Thats great!!
Im very happy for you. A friend of mine was diagnosised at age 21 (now 38) with Hep C only way she can think of how she got it was through a blood transfusion. I have recently had abnormal liver function test results and am being tested for hepititus. Dont know who I'd get it Ive never done any type of illegal drug and surely wouldnt even consider IV drug us, I dont drink, I never had a blood transfusion that my father can remember(my mom has passed Im sure if I had one she'd have remembered) hell I dont even smoke. My dr re did my tests which is when he mentioned hepititus said I might have auto immune hepititus which means my body is just trying to destroy itself dont know but I hope by friday I am walking on a cloud like you.
I am over the moon for u ... theres no news like good news ...

Of course I'm happy for you - what an awful thing to have had on your mind for so long.

Hep C is an awful condition and it's understandable why you were so worried. People should be more aware of the possibility of Hep C through blood to blood contact and unprotected sex - in many ways its as prevalent as HIV which we are becoming better educated about, but Hep C is a real danger people don't seem to understand very well.

Thank God for the screening that now helps to prevent transfusion leading to infection.

I wish you and your family all the very best for a happy and healthy life.
Congratulations, I am so happy for you. It is wrong that those not as lucky as you are treated as 2nd class citizens.
I am happy for you that you are not having any more a guilty conscious about passing the Hep C to your son in the early ears

Wishing you a good health to your son too
I'm very happy for you.
I cant imagine how happy you must feel. Congratulations on the good news! x
Well done you, really chuffed for you!

As a downer though if the test had been pos. it would no way have been your fault. Luck of the draw that you needed the treatment before science had made it safe!

Also that treatment did save your life!

Anyway, still happy for you, hope your Son is better too

Blessings to you and yours:)

How do I get mom to say yes?

I'm in grade 9, one of my closest new friends, Cass, invited me to sleep over at her house. My mom said no because she's never met her before. But, my mom doesn't know ANY of my new high school friends. How can I ever socialize with them, if my mom won't let me see them out of the classroom?

How do I get mom to say yes?listen to opera

i am sorry i am with mom on this one with so many looneys out there i dont trust others not my own child type deal see if mom will let you go for a few hrs and tell cass that you cant sleep over but will attend for a few hrs and if your heck bent on being able to do overnight trips why not bring them to your place so mom can meet them

How do I get mom to say yes?concert venue opera theater

Invite her over for dinner before the big event so she can meet them.
Ask her to allow you to have some friends over
ask your mom if they can come over your house. and when she gets to know them she will let you hang out with them out of your house
bring them to your house and let her meet them.

have your own slumber party..

and then your mom will get to meet them.

let your mom meet their parents
all the above
You need to bring your friend over to the house so that your mom can meet her. She wants to know that you are not hanging with the wrong people. Then she must meet your friends parents. I do the same thing with my daughter. We have to know that where ever you go you will be safe. Trust that once she meets them she will let you go. Good Luck.
Bring them over so your mom can meet them.
Get Cass's mother to call your mother. After the two mom's have talked she will then feel much more comfortable letting you spend the night at your friends home. I know you do not understand but as a parent, we have to make some decisions that you may not understand, but we're just trying to protect you from harm. Give your mom a break and give her the names and phone numbers of your friends mom's, it will ease her mind and show that you trust her as well.
Just tell her, "Mom, I would really like to introduce you to my friends so that you would feel more comfortable letting me spend time with them."

If she doesn't like you going over to their houses, ask her if it's alright if they come to yours, instead!

How to get a girl to say yes?

Yes to what? A date? Sex? Marriage? Answer depends on question and your question is incomplete. Good Luck.

How to get a girl to say yes?city opera

to what?

How to get a girl to say yes?performing shows opera theater

invite her to a one of the concerts or too a public place you just have to let it happen naturally I suppose get to know better first

then she will feel more comfortable saying yes
just say her 'no'
I whip out my big 10 inch

record of a band that plays the blues

well a band that plays its blues

she just love my big 10 inch

record of her favorite blues
Do something...preferably asking her out.
first u should hang otu with here do what she wants to do be all about her than ask her the question
find a guy she is realy hot for she will say yes.

Does this help?

It's easy - "Yes, she doesn't want to."
ask the question, she will say yes when she is ready.
**NOTE** (Im in a good mood, so I'll give you a nice and detailed answer, I don't reccommend sharing this with your friends, then you'll have competition. This is some of the stuff I do. It works. This is insane wisdom, use it wisely.)

WHATEVER ANYONE else says, don't listen to them; listen to me. If your stuck on this one girl from a position of scarcity, then you've already lost. Go get another one. However.. Most girls are attracted to guys with the following qualities; confidence, cockyness(with some charm), crass, being overly selective, being able to judge without being affect with the judgement of others.. Here is how you do it..imagine that you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she was TOTALLY into you, but you weren't into her, but wanted to see where things would go.. Remember attraction usually does make sense because it involves emotions, with most people have complex, undescrible emotions, even if it's on a subconscious level. If you act like a wimp, cater to her every whim, she is -NOT- going to like you. Be unpredictable, you have to be willing to walk away. she might chase you, she might not, so what? Be challenging. REMEMBER use a backhanded compliment to start things off, if she wears glasses, say "I like your glasses, where did you get them, Home depot?" Etc.. and REMEMBER be indifferent to the outcome, show you can restrict yourself, even if nothing else can happen I read somewhere on the web.."Attraction isn't logical" which hits the nail right on the head. Remember that.

I forgot one thing, don't forget to keep strong eye contact, and have unboring body language. Pay attention to her body language, as it accounts for 93% of the communication (even blinking) Don't compliment her too much, (direct compliments, or twisted backhanded ones) Also, just keep eye contact until SHE looks away if your just walking by..Have fun, and make sure she's having fun too. Make sure you keep your composure.

If she gives you a rough shutdown, just say something like, "Excuse me, I don't know how you were raised, or where you were born, but where Im from, MANNERS aren't optional, just because your mother didn't teach you them isn't a reason for me to suffer due to you ignorance." You'll usually get an apology, if not..walk away, and act like nothing happened.
You can never control what a girl will do.

There are two theories how to change a woman's mind.

But neither of them work! LOL
lol get a cockroach infront ov her face ...and ask her to say yes other wise ur gonna throw that cockroach on her face the only way u can make a gurl to say yes
Ask her if she's female. If she says 'no', you won't want her anyway.

Or will you?
Tell her to say no. That's how you'd get me.
Depends on what you ask. on a date: chocolate, flowers, and a bit of charm. ;)

Marriage: a big hunk of rock.
are you talking about one girl or girls any ways its easy do really care about it and they will.

When is the wrong time to say "Yes sir"?

When your boss asks you "Do you think that my wife is fat"?

When is the wrong time to say "Yes sir"?passions soap opera

When your dad asks you if you are gay.

When is the wrong time to say "Yes sir"?mr messed up opera theater

When your boss says "Screw You"!!!!
To my grandmother.... she hits pretty hard if you say that to her!
when your boss asks you whether you dont wanna raise in your income???...
When a Marine asks you if you're doing his wife!
At a McDonald's drive-thru.
When your boss asks you if you've been sleeping with his daughter.
When someone puts a gun to your head and says,"Should I pull the trigger?"
When someone offers you a million dollars to crap in your mouth.
when ur sir is praising u for assignments that r done by someone else. they do so and will ask to present before class and if u nod "yes sir " you are doing the stuidist thing and fall pray.......
When you're talking to a woman.
when i am firing u
when your girlfriends father askes you if you've been sleeping with his daughter.
when asked have you had anything to drink tonight!

What is the best way to say "yes" to a guy asking you out?

smile and say, "that sounds like fun, I'm looking forward to it".

What is the best way to say "yes" to a guy asking you out?movie theater

are you mute?in that case write it down.

What is the best way to say "yes" to a guy asking you out?tickets opera theater

You could shove your tongue down his throat and say, "Yes, I look forward to seeing more of you." Or maybe something else.
smile big, look down for a sec, then look into his eyes and say okay or yes
repeat after me: sure, i would love to go out with you. and then flash those pearly whites of yours. that's all there is to it. =D
just say yes honey
just say yes
no need to stress it, just tell him sure
"I'd love to" with a smile on your face.
yes i would really like that and smile. tada!! :)
i say: i'll think about it

What are 30 different ways to say "yes"?

like "yeah"





What are 30 different ways to say "yes"?amc theater

yes, yup, ya, yeah, ye, yap, yuppy, yessir, yea,yapy, ok, okay, k, kk,kay..., oh man this is as far as I can go. you didn't want different languages, that is why...

What are 30 different ways to say "yes"?concerts opera theater



Okay, all right, of course, definitely, yup, sure thing, undoubtedly, yeah
Oui - French for yes

Si - Spanish for yes



For sure

Ah Ah

Oh yes


Without a doubt
uh huh, diddo, okay, YEP, yah,

How to get your mom to say yes to sleepovers?

your mom never says no to me =)

sorry that was in bad taste.

you have to play it cool. make sure your room is clean and any of your chores are already done. then agree to any other terms she may lay upon you. good luck

How to get your mom to say yes to sleepovers?movie theatre

clean your room first.

How to get your mom to say yes to sleepovers?playhouse opera theater

Buy the food! LOL!
Hate to sound like a broken record but I have to agree, CLEAN YOUR ROOM and maybe the kitchen too.
ask her
Be her slave for the day before you ask her.
Find out why she doesn't want one. Most of the time when I say no to my son on sleep overs it is because I'm exhausted from working all week, taking care of my kids and household. So helping out around the house the week before might help. Don't be whiney about it. When she gives you her reason think about it and come up with an answer that shows maturity and that are able to help work out the issue so you are both happy.

Is Cameron Diaz still hot??I say yes.Anyone Agree?

It is said that Cameron Diaz isn't as sexy as before because of a natural process named aging and I agree.But I still believe she's still one of the hottest actresses...

Is Cameron Diaz still hot??I say yes.Anyone Agree?imax theater

Yes, i agree with you. Though she have wrinkle or bunch of fat, she still hot.

Is Cameron Diaz still hot??I say yes.Anyone Agree?classical music opera theaterShe Was the Hotest and Se still is. 7th in Maxim 100 Hotest girl? Jennifer Aniston is 90th, whish shows that Cami is still SO HOT Report It

i say no
I think she is a great person and an intelligent one, and that's what always made her pretty. She's also a great actress, but PRETTY? I don't think so
Grow up. Better still grow old!
she never was.

the question is moot.

She is skanky bad even with the makeup she trowels on like wallpaper paste.

wouldn't do her with your d**k
oh god yes.
No she is ugly
Nope...she's hagged without make up
As hot as Bill Clinton
Geez...ya'all say she's aging like she's on her death bed. She's young and beautiful.

mobility scooter