We've been married 5yrs. we have one son together. I'm ready for another baby and he isn't. how can I change his mind?
How to get my husband to say YES to another baby.?opera ticket
You need to ask him why he doesn't want another child and talk about his reasons and concerns. Work these out and see what happens.
How to get my husband to say YES to another baby.?pacific theater opera theater
Does he tell you why he doesn't want another baby? Maybe he has some fears that you could address and help him with. Like maybe its a financial thing, or he's afraid you will be spread to thin and not have enough time for him. Or maybe his reason is something you haven't thought of, and you might change your mind.
He might not be willing to admit at first why, men are like that. But be persistant, you have a right to know, and having a baby is a lifetime commitment that you need to go into totally aware.
wow you mean its up to him that is neat. i have never heard of marriage tlike that. soemtimes its both people to be involved and i suggest you talk to him now and communicate. i mean its not just him any more you have voice to
Maybe he's not saying NO. Maybe he's saying NOT NOW.
Women love babies. Men don't like the dirty diapers, the 2 a.m. feedings, and all that goes along with it. So all that stuff with your first child is still fresh in his mind.
Make sure your first is potty trained and give another year. Then approach him with it.
You can't, and please don't try to or trick him. That would be stupid. You of course can talk to him, but don't nag.
Simple -
Ask him what is objections are and address them one by one. If you can both come to a mutual understanding and agree 100% to having a second kid then go for it.
If he does not agree 100% then don't be a fool. Give it up.
You can't. This is a decision you make together; why does it have to be when you're ready?? Don't be so controlling.
Show him how prepared you are ... give him some pros and cons ... work out finances ... daycare ... whatever it's going to take for you to have another child and sit down with him and really talk about it ... ask him why he's not ready get some feed back and work on the things he tells you ... good luck ... !
Don't listen to Jimmy. Do not trick your partner into pregnancy. If he is not ready then you are just going to have to accept that. By bringing an unwanted (on his part) child into your marriage it will only cause problems. Wait until he is ready and then you can both enjoy the pregnancy and birth.
To help speed the process along just point out all of the great things about parenting. Tell him how wonderful it would be to have another child just as special as your son. If he has any fears or concerns you need to talk with him about it. If he is worried about the financial strain, cut back on some "extras". If he is worried about the sleepless nights, remind him that it is short lived and you can share the responsibility. Anyway, you get the picture. Discuss the reasons behind his hesitation and resolve them together.
honestly I dont think that you can change his mind, thank the Lord for the little blessing you have and You never know he might change his mind on his own. Good luck
you can't -so do try
Bring the issue up and talk to him rationally and calmly about it.
Ask him why he won't have another baby ?
What is so bad about having another baby ?
Bring up :
- the fact that there's twice as much love from you two to give both children
- the fact maybe that you'd love for your current child to grow up with a sibling, instead of being an only child
- sibling rivalry is always tough but sibling love is wonderful
- ask him what would it take for him to be ready for another baby ? Its not like he's having to lie there and push and ask for an epidural ?
Tell him too that children are wonderful gifts of love to each other but that you'd like another child because you believe your family would be complete if there's maybe one of each ? or if there's 4 people in the house, not 3. :)
Good luck :)
you can't, just make a hole in the condom, or stop taking the BC. That is the only way you can get preg again.
You can't, you can only respect his opinion at this time and don't be one of those stupid ladies that gets preggers on purpose!!!
Make him a romantic dinner and put on some lingerie. Tell him you are ready for love.
You can't change his mind, only he can. Don't force the issue.
do you really want to have a baby with someone you have to CONVINCE? i mean really. when the kid gets here and asks how be came about your response will be, "well daddy didn't want you but after a year of nagging and then finally secretly going off my pills, i had you. sure daddy drinks now because you're around but mommy wants you and that's what matters most."
if you do something underhanded to get pregant or you pressure him into giving in, your kids will be the ones to suffer. he'll be distant and the kids will pick up on the fact that they aren't "wanted".
Show him the positive pregnancy test
It depends what his reasons are. If it's money, write out a budget and show where the extra money will come from.
Maybe he thinks he a bad father. Praise him for what he does well with your son.
Deciding to have a child is a hard decision. Talk to him about his reason for wanting to wait. Maybe he just need to get stuff his chest.
If he REALLY doesn't want anymore kids that will cause a problem. Tell him why you WANT more kids and give examples of how your lives changed with the first one.
Good Luck. It took my husband and I almost 2 years to finally decide to have another kid. My daughter is 4 and I'm 5 months pregnant.
Take care.
You can't change another person's mind. End of story. I think if more people would accept this, the world would be a better, more stable place.
Being married or in a serious relationship requires compromise, a willingness to listen and consider each other's feelings and points of view, and a shift from "me" to "we". It doesn't mean one person has to concede to the other's wishes - especially not on something as important as deciding whether to bring another life into the world.
Your husband is not a sperm donor. You two need to have an open, honest, caring discussion about this to figure out what step to take next (if any).
exchange a threesome
having a baby is something you both need to want. if he does not want a baby, do not force him, it will make him unhappy
Are you ready to take care another baby? Bravo! good for you. Besure you can provide them good until finish college.Baby are cute.
Well there is obviously a reason why he does not want another baby.
How old is your son?
You need to consider your husbands feelings, not just your own.
Getting pregnant on purpose will just cause him to resent you and the baby and in turn make everyone including the unborn baby unhappy.
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