Answer the first question and also this one:
Do you believe in God? Why?
If not, why not?
Why is it so easy to say yes when someone asks you if you believe in God, but not easy to answer, why?soap opera
This may be a bit controversial, however...
Living in a Christian culture, like America, it is easy to say I believe in God. In Iran, you might say I believe in Allah, quite naturally.
However, in my opinion, few people actually walk the walk with God on a day by day basis. Few actrually rely and trust God, and sing praises in the car to God as they go to work.
Rather many people who claim to believe in God may go to church on Sunday -- probably not every week, for it's not a priority for them -- and maybe only on special holidays, like Christmas or Easter. They go to make themselves feel better more so that to give their praise to God.
God becomes important to these folks - and I would say most Christians from my experience - when they cannot handle something themselves, like an illness...or need help, like on a test. Few will absolutely begin praying about a job search, or a house sale and move, or whether a baby is right, AND wait on the Lord in complete trust to answer. We can read the stories in the Bible and look at the 30+ years between when God said Sarah would bear a child, and when she actually did, with awe, but fail to place the trust Abraham had in God in their own lives.
So, in a way, it's easy to talk the talk, but it takes faith from God Himself to walk the walk...and many choose not pursue this faith unless its comfortable for them, or a necessity.
Personally, I try to walk the walk with Christ all the time. I fail many times, but always come back to His feet in humility and thanksgiving. I do see Him work when I trust, and that brings more's too bad that so many Christians do not practice their faith via trust and obedience beyond Sundays. When my time is up, I want to have practiced my faith so much, that I can say without fear of death what Paul said, "to live Christ, to die is gain." To say that with all conviction and assurance, comes from a lifetime of trust and faith in Christ and watching Him work in your life...not from a conversion followed by a self-reliant life.
So, it is far easier to say I believe in God, but a whole lot harder to say why, unless you have been daily placing your faith in Christ.
Why is it so easy to say yes when someone asks you if you believe in God, but not easy to answer, why?city opera opera theater
I believe in God because I have faith. and we are to learn to walk by faith
the moment i believe in Him my life seems to be amazing, i cant even find a definite word for it to describe then...i've been more blessed and though there are so many trials in my life i didnt doubt His existence, He will never leave me coz i know He loves me that much that He cant bear to see me suffering...i offer everything to Him and i know i will always be in good hands...
Yes I believe in God. God changed my life and gave me peace and hope. I believe the Bible is literally the inspired Word of the Living God. I believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
Hopefully, I've answered your question correctly.
I absolutely believe in God- why? Because through Jesus' shed blood, I am not only forgiven, but have become a changed person. For those who say you cannot see God anywhere- open the eyes of your heart, and you will see Him everywhere.
because most people don't know why they believe in god. it's something they've been taught from childhood and have never really "questioned, argued or explored."
i don't believe in the popular version of god, but i think there's a universal energy that will restore balance to the cosmos.
Yes, I do. And since you asked why:
There are 2 legitimate ways to discern truth, one being through our feelings and one through reason. It's hard to communicate a feeling and that's where a good deal of evidence is for God's existence.
I believe in God because I'm come to realize there's a great deal of evidence through both feelings and reason in his existence and for the reason why he prepared this earthly existence.
The best way to discover truth is to use both feelings and reason together.
If you're interested in understanding more about the purpose of life, visit the following web site:
I do not, just look around. Do you see anything that indicates the existence of a God?
It's called free-will.....I believe, I believe, I believe!!!!!
Because the question "why?" requires reason(s) as an answer, and there is none to support theism.
Yes because HE is the TRUTH
No I do not. There is absolutely zero evidence of any god or gods existing.
Because no one wants to think
Yes, I DO believe in God. Why? It's because God is with me all the time. Though we can't really see Him, that's because He is working in our hearts; guiding us on what to do that is for the good.
It's only difficult to answer if you have a general airy fairy belief in God.. Try thinking about why you belive in God and maybe start reading a chapter of the Bible each night so that you have a better understanding of what God, creation, Jesus is all about. In other words, make God real through knowing His truth and you will be very comfortable answering the question when you are asked:)
I'm not sure if i believe in God, but i believe in an intelligence greater than us, because i don't believe creation can happen by itself. I don't believe the universe started by itself. Of course i have no proof of this, just personal belief.
It's easy to say yes when you have experience how God shows His love for you. He came to earth in the name of Jesus, died for my sins and gave me the gift of life through salvation. He speaks to me, I see, hear and feel how He works in my life.
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