Thursday, December 10, 2009

Robbie Williams gay? newspaper today. Me thinks yes, what say you??

The paper said Louis Wash fancies Robbie Williams, who think there is any truth in it?

Who also thinks that Robbie should stop mixing english and american accents in the same song??? Rudebox- yeah right.

Robbie Williams gay? newspaper today. Me thinks yes, what say you??opera songs

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that he'd dropped his anchor in poo bay.

His over-reaction when newspapers hint of him being gay (i.e sueing everyone in sight) only proves he is. Anyone else would say 'yeah right'.

That Rudebox song is crap too. Hope this is the demise of an overrated fat dancer from Take That.

Get rid of the dick

Robbie Williams gay? newspaper today. Me thinks yes, what say you??secure browser opera theaterI really dont think he is gay but he maybe bi Report It

you just think he's gay! Report It

Absolute bilge, you can count on the media to invent dirt where they can't find it !
and if he is will it stop him from being funny no or acting no

so why will matter to you or me if he is gay here a idea get a life and life it stop with the bullsh*t crying
So why does He sh*g so many female fans then,in an age of gay artistes!?
I think he's definitely gay!
Any man who sleeps with that many women is not gay. He plays on the gay thing to interest gay people in his music, it is a shrewd business move, he knows the value of the pink pound.
i would say so, I wonder if jonathon wilkes is / was, I can feel a question coming on
What the hell has it got to do with us or the papers, it is his life and he should be allowed to lead it as he wishes.
So someone gay fancying you makes you gay?
if robbie is straight

i am not a virgin
of course he is im glad everyone has now realised!!!
The newspapers obviously had a spare paragraph to fill with their rubbish again today then.
i'm still pissed at him for using beastie boy lyrics in his song. come up with your own please!

i think he is but secretly give him sum time %26amp; he'll come out like lance bass did
i think he likes a bit of both, he cud b a sausage jockey, or a uphill gardener, but either way i don't care cause he's a great singer and entertainer,
wow your question has bbbbbaaaadddd grammer!!!! doesnt make much i would take more english in high school
yeah, ive always thought robbie was gay if he wasnt he would have some supermodel hanging off his arm, instead he is "all messed up poor little rich kid " i would still shag him though he is hot.
not gay. but definately lost his footing. he needs some humble pie for lunch and dinner.
Shut up u prat. I think he has proved himself u ****
Bi methinks.
rudebox load of shite

Robbie gay what do i care if he is i wouldn't be surprised
He can do whatever he likes, as far as I'm concerned.
If you read the article its Robbie's tongue in cheek way of saying because Louis Walsh keeps slagging him off he must fancy him. Either way I still think Robbie is gay, if not he is bi - who cares?
I have the phone number of a very good lible lawyer. I could send you it when you need it.
dont be silly. and while im on do you think the robster gives a flying f**k what the papers say? publicity sells records. dont be so niave!
he absolutely isnt. read his biography. poker strait
methinks he swings both ways !!!
Who knows, who cares!
Louis Walsh also fancies Chris Moyles, but he's not gay. I think Robbie's a fun loving guy, and guy or girl, it's whoever he happens to fancy at that moment in time
I think he's just an attention seeker and will do or say anything to get publicity!!
well, he is gorgeous and has a pretty good sense of fashion....

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