Thursday, December 10, 2009

Does PERFECT geometry occur in nature if yes where? I say no?

This is a very interesting question really. I am assuming you mean an ideal shape such as a circle or something. I think a good case that the path of a photon traveling far from any large objects is a perfectly straight line. Another example might be the crystal lattice of a crystalline substance. There are certainly parts of the crystal that will be flawless and will have in essence a perfect geometry. A largish planet that happens to have escaped it's solar system that is floating through space all by itself, if it is not spinning, will have a virtually perfectly spherical shape. Surely the Universe is large enough that there is at least one such example.

However if you think about this carefully you might conclude that all shapes in nature are essentially perfect in that they are perfect responses to the forces acting on the them.

Does PERFECT geometry occur in nature if yes where? I say no?paramount theater

Christ who was perfect came to earth and took on imperfection so that in time if we choose salvation we can become perfect like him.. Mentally he was perfect. In no way was he corruped by evil.

Does PERFECT geometry occur in nature if yes where? I say no?theatre opera theater

bubbles maybe?
Black holes or neutron stars are _perfect_ spheres. The event horizon of black holes are absolutely perfects spheres. But that should be the only examples.
a snowflake?
In your imagination, on paper, on the computer.

However, no perfect representation of the numbers can be made.
Check out the "Fibonacci sequence" - it shows up all over in nature. It is the sequence of numbers that results from adding one number to the one before it in the sequence:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 . . .

Links below list where it shows up in nature - all over the place!



Leaves, etc...
yes in crystals
A rainbow is an arc of a perfect circle. If you are in an airplane and you see one on the clouds, it will be a perfect circle.
Take a look at microscopic photos of ice crystals...they are perfect geometry
In some natural crystals perfect geometry occurs, to some experimental error.
Perfect geometry cannot occur in nature because all things are made of atoms - atoms have a finite size, and anything made out of pieces of finite size can only approximate a true geometrical shape. Thus, while you might be able to have some natural object that approximates, say, a circle to 1 part in 10 billion, you could not have a natural (or artifical) object that really is a mathematically perfect circle.
Best guess- Beehive honeycombs.
Yes because like our houses It is perfect made when we apply angles on each side
Well, general relativity tells us that whenever some mass is present the geometry of space (and spacetime) becomes curved. So, since there's lots of mass in the universe and its moving around all crazy-like, the geometry of the universe is rather complicated.

Here's a technical way to say this: There is very likely no region in the universe isometric to a region in one of the standard Euclidean, Hyperbolic, or Spherical model geometries.

I'd say that if perfect geometry exists it would have to be present in the (yet to be discovered) theory of quantum gravity. That is, it would only exist on *very* small length scales (Plank's length) where nobody really knows the laws of physics yet.
yeah my sis has a pearl necklace thats a real pearl that hasnt been treated and its like perfect

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