How many times is he going to have Rudy Guliani on his show geema neeze Im so sick of Rudy Rudy Rudy all the time
Time to name names Sean Hannity neocon YES or NO what say you?theatre
Hannity is a prime example of a neocon,,,not that I am against them. I am just as much for or against them as I am for libs. The radical left and right disgust me because they don't want to see the middle which at times is the right way to go. Hannity rants on and on about things that he feels are needed to knock libs. His partner, Colms, on the hand always takes the other side even when there isn't an other side. Some of his stands are absurd and his comments even more stupid.
Time to name names Sean Hannity neocon YES or NO what say you?opera music opera theater
Hannity is a neo-clown.
That's a better description of his job on the TV.
No, and that term is used wrong!It should be neolib,since they are the socialist(like the Nazis)where!Sean is a good man and does alot more than our own politicians do,but i must say he does get out of control once in a while!
Keep listening..... his Arbitron ratings thanks you.... so wonder Air America failed miserably, all the left on Y/A are glued to Right side radio.
I don't watch him.
No, I don't believe that Sean is a neocon, he has been a conservative for a long time....And it's his program so he should have who he wants on there. Liberals are afraid of him.
what does it matter what you label him, he's got a great following because he sticks up for America and average Americans. You seem to be an avid viewer and intelligent person, I thought you would know that PS, Just say no to HiLiary
I am not sure if Rudy would be classified as a neocon in the terms the way defined by the democrats. I like Sean Hannity but yes he should have more of the candidates on. I have a problem with him pandering to McCain who I think is more of a problem with his immigration stance and his work with the Democrats and Republican senators who made up the Gang of 14 and ensured that the democrats could continue to play politics with judicial nominees. Just taking the fourth district of the Court of Appeals we have 5 vacancies on a 15 member bench thus opening up the possibility of a democratic president can change the court with 5 appointments.
Was there every any question? Show the guy who thinks Hamnity ISNT a neocon....
Will somone please define the term "Neo-Con"? please.
Not some link, but what it supposedly means in their own words?
If it's not Rudy, it'll be all Mitt all the time. Hannity is a New Yorker. Rudy was the Mayor. Of course he's going to be a hawk for him. I wouldn't call him a full neocon. Maybe neocon light. He is a right wing mouthpiece though.
Yep, its becoming apparent that Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes want Guiliani to win. Remember, Hannity is just a tool for Fox, and not a very smart one at that.
The good thing is that its only a matter of time before the other GOP candidates request equal time on Fox before they start to complain....loudly.
Is he a neocon? Well, yes. He espouses the mantra of the Bush Administration....big government, spying on Americans, massive deficit spending, etc.
He has an open offer to ALL the presidential candidates from both parties
Turn it off,simpleton.
Rudy is what the old guard wants. Not what we want.
I think so, or just an idiot most of the time. On the hannity forums, you couldn't talk about Ron Paul at all for a time, but there were more than a few supporters, so they had to allow it again.
I imagine it is very frustrating to watch Hannity every day, fantacizing about catching him in a lie, and never being able to do it. Name calling is all that's left.
Perhaps you werent listening when he had on Senator Voinovich -D(?) the other day regarding illegal immigration, instead the Senator hung up on him on live air. yes he has guiliani or romney on quite frequently. How is that different from Chris Matthews with liberal guests most the time, or Olbermann with left wing extremists kooksto kis his *** in affirmation whenever he utters a word? Hannity provides what his listeners demand.
I can't listen to hannity anymore cause its just non-stop liberals bad liberals bad
I'm going to say NO. He seems to be a more traditional Conservative.
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