Thursday, December 10, 2009

How to get my mom to say yes to a cell phone?

I am 14 years old and I want a cell phone for christmas. My mom said no because she believes I am too young for one and not mature enough for one. I want to prove to her that she's wrong because when It comes to expensive stuff such as my ipod and my watch, I take really good care of them. any way I can make her see I'm ready for a Cell Phone?

How to get my mom to say yes to a cell phone?violin

talk to her and find out what the real reason is that she will not allow this and try to work with her to get it.

How to get my mom to say yes to a cell phone?chinese theater opera theater

tell her to get u a pay as u go phone.... that way u can earn money and save it to add time to it
Most kids your age want a cell phone as a sense of maturity, so to get one you have to show her that you are mature and responsible. A little butt kissing might help too!
You have to keep in mind the dangers associated with cell phones. They may seem harmless, but the amont of things you can access on a cell phone is unbelievable. My younger as like yourself wanted a phone so at 14 my mum got her one after a long battle of protests and arguments about cell phones. You accessed some horible things on her phone and met up with a guy five times older tahn her, he said he was only 20 but remember you cant see who is on the over end of the phone. If you do get one remember to act responsibly, I have had a phone since I was 14 but I only use it for the right reasons like txting my school friends. Keep this in mind. Your mum is only trying to protect you.
if u want it just beacuse u can prove that ur responsible...than don't get one because cell phones are even more valuable than Ipods.

if ur in high school or going to high school in sometime in the fall...than tell her that ur going to high school and need to get used to a cell phone.
As a single parent the best selling point for me was the safety of my child. Babysitters and strangers on the street can pose threats. My youngest child (7) has a cell phone. It is thru Boost mobile but provides her with excellent service and she can call me anytime. It only cost $50.00 a month and has unlimited calling and texting. I live in a small town and work close to home but still I worry about my child. She need not ask to use a sitters phone to call me if she is in a jam.. she has her own phone. I also insist she carry her phone while walking to school. Predators live in my area!
You should point out to her that's its a good way for her to keep track of you. That if you have a cell phone, then she will be able to reach you whenever she wants to. Parents love that.

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